
Digital Optimization for Greater Customer Engagement


Imagine having access to detailed data that outlines your customers’ unique preferences, pain points, online behaviors, and triggers, all of which are used to create hyper-relevant content aimed at reducing bounce rates and cart abandonment while increasing overall conversions.

Achieving this requires a deep understanding of your customers’ needs–one that goes beyond campaign or seasonal preferences. Our Insights & Optimization team helps brands evolve by partnering Data Strategists with Optimization experts who work in concert to map customer behaviors and provide data-driven solutions through ongoing test-and-implementation engagements.


A/B and Multivariate Testing are the most widely known test formats, and it’s important to remember that each type has different requirements. New to testing? Our recommendation is to start with the A/B testing format since it provides a solid foundation and requires less change management.


Also known as Split Testing, the A/B format takes two versions of a single page and tests them head-to-head. The constant (test A) is the current design without alterations, and test B delivers the variable page. So, if you’re testing the home page and want to see if a blue CTA button can help increase conversion, you’ll limit on-page changes to just the button. That focuses the test directly on the variance (CTA button color) without adding in other elements that may influence results.

Benefits of this format:

  • Clearly confirms which element contributed to the engagement lift, i.e. either options A or B
  • Site traffic is randomized but will be directed 50/50 across the test, so each page receives the same amount of visitors
  • Since the variables are smaller and more focused, A/B tests can run in shorter sprints, which makes it ideal for site’s with fewer daily visitors

Want to test more than one change on a page? Consider running a series of A/B tests, then combining the results in subsequent page iterations.


Unlike the A/B format, Multivariate Testing (MVT) includes changing multiple elements on the B page, which essentially consolidates a series of A/B tests into one pass. Given the additional on-page variables, the randomized site traffic will be divided and directed to each one. This dilutes the number of testers who see a given change, so this format tends to work well for brands with high daily visitor traffic.

Benefits of this format:

  • Eliminates serializing A/B tests
  • Can measure the interaction between several independent elements, confirming which variation works best and which elements have the largest impact on audience interaction

MVT has a reputation for being the test to use when you want to improve conversion rates. While it has the most direct route, a savvy marketing team can roadmap A/B tests to achieve similar results.


The easiest way to manage your testing cycle is through a stand-alone platform where teams build, deploy, and report on test performance. Some are built for smaller tests, such as image or copy swaps, whereas others can handle large-scale testing, like mega menus or even full journey tests through the checkout flow.

A platform like AB Tasty allows for more robust testing and offers two test creation paths. The first is geared towards non-technical marketers who want to use a CMS-driven console, and the second is a server-side solution where developers can build directly into a codebase. Beyond the building features and real-time data reporting, AB Tasty also offers a helpful Sample Size Calculator, which provides recommendations on test flight time to ensure the maximum accuracy, as well as heat mapping and session recording for deeper insights.

Once a sprint is completed, the winning version can be deployed to Production for immediate engagement.


Test-and-learn strategies provide maximum value when used as an ongoing tactic. Employing a roadmap for repeated tests gives brands the flexibility to evolve with industry changes, meeting customer needs throughout the relationship.

Ready to optimize your customer experience? Contact our Insights & Optimization team for more information.